
Rangi’s Reo 1

Introduction to foundational learning for beginner's

Introduces a spiritual holistic approach to understanding, learning and speaking te reo Māori.


Rangi’s Reo 2

Foundational learning extension for beginner's

Continues to build upon the spiritual holistic approach to understanding, learning and speaking te reo Māori.

Learn Te Reo Māori from home, build a strong foundation towards conversational ability.


To purchase a course♦ 

1. Click on Join the Course at the top of the page

2. Go to take this course

Please get in touch if you have any issues or questions either by email rangisreo@gmail.com or through our facebook messenger.  We are here to help!


The 8 Pillars of Rangi’s Reo/Ngā Pou e waru o Te Reo a Rangi

The Following are the 8 pillars of Rangi’s Reo, a unique collection of principles that embodies it’s ethos & guide to help the te reo Māori learner on their journey.


spirituality, a soul approach to learning Te Reo, connecting with one’s authentic self.

Ngā Mātāpono

Māori values i.e., Aroha, manaakitanga, rangatiratanga etc.

Ngā Tikanga

Māori cultural insights, the language needs to be learned alongside the culture as one supports the other.  It could be said that the language is the content & the culture is the context.

Tē Mahara

The principle of not stressing when learning,  It’s based on the premise that physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually one cannot absorb anything if they are in a state of stress.


Enjoying Māori myths & Legends, understanding “Te Ōrokohanga o te Ao” (The Māori creation story) and how it informs the Māori world view.

Te Reo Huna

An Introduction to the hidden meaning in some māori words.


Listening, tuning in to the vibration of Te Reo Māori.


Matrix learning, the principle that speaks to creating structures that the language can attach to & develop upon.  An approach that reflects natural brain growth, is a decentralised non-lineal way of learning.


Try Rangi's Reo for free!

Experience a free sample from Rangi’s Reo 1.


Access to courses that

  • Provide easy learning
  • Create an unbreakable foundation for launching your Te Reo journey
  • Explore the richness of the language & culture
  • Discover a deep philosophy underpinning Te Reo Māori called Reo Huna (hidden meaning)
  • Learn the ancient vibrations of Te Reo kupu (words)
  • Learn how important it is to understand pūrākau (stories)
  • Understanding your WHAKAPAPA and PEPEHA
  • Unique login and online portal for all your content
  • Provide language building blocks for your Reo journey

Your guide - Rangi

I was born & raised in Mangakino, South Waikato.  I have dedicated much of my life to Te Reo, Tikanga, Whakapapa and Mātauranga Māori. 

I have been fortunate to have learned from many sources including my elders & I particularly acknowledge my Aunty Dr Rangimarie Rose Pere.

I affiliate to many iwi primarily from Ngāti Tūwharetoa & Ngāti Kahungunu.

“One advantage I believe of being a second language learner of Te Reo Māori is that I have developed many ways that help in acquiring Te Reo Māori and some really good hacks in fast tracking progress.”