Do you feel like you're getting nowhere with your Te Reo classes?

You are not alone. Did you know that a majority of those students who entered Rangi’s Reo felt the same; having done endless courses without results.
Used correctly, Rangi’s Reo will remove blocks that have prevented you from learning Te Reo Māori, give you confidence to try in a safe, positive learning environment.

Rangi Ahipene

is a respected Te Reo Māori teacher who noticed that many learning blocks around learning te reo aren’t addressed.
“I have noticed that stress over learning the language in students of Te Reo Māori causes many to suppress their voice, that they are scared to say a mihi, this in itself promotes a misbelief that they may not ever understand Te Reo – this negativity holds students back from learning. We’ve come up with “matrix -learning”, which can help clear anxieties and accelerate your learning.”
rangi ahipene
*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary.
The biggest insight we’ve gained from our students who have tried to learn Te Reo Māori through big institutes, is that the pace of lessons are too fast, where they are not given time to fully understand or learn.
rangi ahipene
I learned that Māori language has an everyday meaning and two-thirds of it has this deep abstract spiritual meaning which you can break down through each of the vowels. Every time you see the letter ‘a’ is the divine mother coming in, every time you see the ‘i’ that’s the divine child coming in.
Auntie Rose
(sourced from Stuff, 30 January 2021)

Inspired by his
Auntie Rose

Rangi draws direct teachings from the famous indigenous educationalist and spiritual leader, (Dr Rangimarie Rose Pere) affectionately known to family and friends as Aunty Rose, a keeper of knowledge passed down from tribal elders and directly from the divine.
Rangi was fortunate to have spent some time with Aunty Rose learning some of this knowledge.